Checklist dieren
Atlantic Odyssey 2014 –Wildlife List Part I – Ushuaia to Ascension Island
This is the list of all wildlife seen on the voyage from Ushuaia, Argentina to Ascension Island via the Antarctic Peninsula, South Georgia, the Falkland Islands, Tristan da Cunha &Nightingale Island and St. Helena.
Birds | Marine Mammals | Butterflies | Other Wildlife
King Penguin ------------- Aptenodytes patagonicus
Gentoo Penguin -------------------- Pygoscelis papua
Adelie Penguin ------------------------------ P. adeliae
Chinstrap Penguin --------------------- P. antarctica
Rockhopper Penguin -------- Eudyptes chrysocome
North. Rockhopper Penguin ----------- E. moseleyi
Macaroni Penguin ----------------- E. chrysolophus
Magellanic Penguin ----- Spheniscus magellanicus
Wandering Albatross ----------- Diomedea exulans
Tristan Albatross ---------------------- D. dabbenena
Southern Royal Albatross --------- D. epomophora
Salvin’s Albatross ------------- Thalassarche salvini
Black-browed Alb. ------------------ T. melanophris
Grey-headed Albatross ------------- T. chrysostoma
Atlantic Yellow-nosed Alb. ---- T. chlororhynchos
Sooty Albatross -------------------- Phoebetria fusca
Light-mantled Sooty Albatross ----- P. palpebrata
Southern Giant Petrel ----- Macronectes giganteus
Northern Giant Petrel ----------------------- M. halli
Southern Fulmar------------ Fulmarus glacialoides
Antarctic Petrel ------------- Thalassoica antarctica
Cape Petrel (Pintado) ------------- Daption capense
Snow Petrel ------------------------ Pagodroma nivea
Great-winged Petrel ------ Pterodroma macroptera
Atlantic Petrel ------------------------------- P. incerta
Kerguelen Petrel ---------------------- P. brevirostris
Soft-plumaged Petrel ----------------------- P. mollis
Blue Petrel ---------------------- Halobaena caerulea
Broad-billed Prion --------------- Pachyptila vittata
Antarctic Prion ---------------------------- P. desolata
Slender-billed Prion ---------------------- P. belcheri
Fairy Prion ------------------------------------ P. turtur
Bulwer's Petrel ------------------- Bulweria bulwerii
White-chinned Petrel -- Procellaria aequinoctialis
Spectacled Petrel -------------------- P. conspicillata
Grey Petrel ---------------------------------- P. cinerea
Cory's Shearwater ---------- Calonectris diomedea
Great Shearwater ------------------- Puffinus gravis
Sooty Shearwater -------------------------- P. griseus
Subantarctic Little Shearwater -------- P. elegans
Wilson’s Storm-petrel ------- Oceanites oceanicus
Grey-backed Storm-petrel -------- Garrodia nereis
Black-bellied Storm-petrel ------- Fregetta tropica
White-bellied Storm-petrel ------------ F. grallaria
White-faced Storm-petrel -- Pelagodroma marina
Madeiran Storm-petrel ----- Oceanodroma castro
Leach’s Storm-petrel ----------------- O. leucorhoa
Common Diving-Petrel --- Pelecanoides urinatrix
South Georgian Diving-Petrel ------- P. georgicus
Red-billed Tropicbird -------- Phaethon aethereus
White-tailed Tropicbird ----------------- P. lepturus
Masked Booby ----------------------- Sula dactylatra
Red-footed Booby ------------------------------ S. sula
Brown Booby -------------------------- S. leucogaster
Imperial Shag ------------- Phalacrocorax atriceps
Antarctic Shag--------------------- P. bransfieldensis
South Georgia Shag------------------- P. georgianus
Rock Shag ---------------------------- P. magellanicus
Ascension Frigatebird --------------- Fregata aquila
Cattle Egret ----------------------------- Bubulcus ibis
Black-crowned Night-Heron Nycticorax nycticorax
Upland Goose ---------------------- Chloephaga picta
Kelp Goose ---------------------------------- C. hybrida
Falkland Steamer Duck Tachyeres brachydactyla
Turkey Vulture ----------------------- Cathartes aura
Red-backed Hawk ----------------- Buteo polyosoma
Southern Caracara ---------------- Caracara planus
Pale-faced Sheathbill ------------------- Chionis alba
Magellanic Oystercatcher Haematopus leucopodus
Blackish Oystercatcher ----------------------- H. ater
Rufous-chested Dotterel ---- Charadrius modestus
St Helena Plover (Wirebird) - Ch. sanctaehelenae
Brown Skua ----- Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi
Tristan Skua --------------------------- C. a hamiltoni
South Polar Skua ------------------- C. maccormicki
Chilean Skua ------------------------------ C. chilensis
Long-tailed Skua -------- Stercorarius longicaudus
Dolphin Gull ------------------------- Larus scoresbii
Kelp Gull ----------------------------- L. dominicanus
Brown-hooded Gull ---------------- L. maculipennis
Antarctic Tern ------------------------- Sterna vittata
South American Tern -------------- S. hirundinacea
Arctic Tern ----------------------------- S. paradisaea
Sooty Tern ----------------------------------- S. fuscata
White Tern---------------------------------- Gygis alba
Black Noddy --------------------------- Anous minutus
Brown Noddy ------------------------------- A. stolidus
Tristan Thrush ------------------ Nesocichla eremita
Nightingale Bunting ---------------- Neospiza questi
Grosbeak Bunting ------------------------ N. wilkinsi
House Sparrow ------------------- Passer domesticus
Long-tailed Meadowlark ----------- Sturnella loyca
Red-necked Francolin ------------ Francolinus afer
Barred Ground-Dove -------------- Geopelia striata
Common Waxbill -------------------- Estrilda astrild
Madagascar Fody ------- Foudia madagascariensis
Common (Indian) Mynah ------ Acridotheres tristis
Java Sparrow ------------------------ Padda oryzivora
Yellow Canary ------------------- Serinus flaviventris
Marine Mammals
Fin Whale -------------------- Balaenoptera physalus
Blue Whale -------------------------------- B. musculus
Antarctic Minke Whale ------------- B. bonaerensis
Sei/Bryde’s Whale ----------------- B. borealis/edeni
Humpback Whale -------- Megaptera novaeangliae
Sperm Whale -------------- Physeter macrocephalus
Southern Bottlenose Whale-Hyperoodon planifrons
Gray’s Beaked Whale ------------- Mesplodon grayii
Hector’s Beaked Whale ------------------- M. hectori
Shepherd’s? Beaked Whale
Killer Whale------------------------------ Orcinus orca
Long or Short-finned Pilot Whale
Peale’s Dolphin --------- Lagenorhynchus australis
Dusky Dolphin ---------------------------- L. obscurus
Hourglass Dolphin ------------------------ L. cruciger
Pantropical Spotted Dolphin -- Stenella attenuata
C Bottlenose Dolphin ------------ Tursiops truncatus
Rough-toothed Dolphin ---------- Steno bredanensis
South American Sea Lion -------- Otaria flavescens
South American Fur Seal - Arctocephalus australis
Antarctic Fur Seal -------------------------- A. gazelle
Subantarctic Fur Seal ------------------- A. tropicalis
Crabeater Seal -------------- Lobodon carcinophaga
Leopard Seal --------------------- Hydrurga leptonyx
Southern Elephant Seal --------- Mirounga leonine
African Monarch ----------------- Danaus chrysippus
Long-tailed Blue ------------------ Lampides boeticus
Selected other Wildlife
Oceanic White-tip Shark
Atlantic Green Turtle --------------- Chelonia mydas
Turtle sp.
Flying Fish sp
Blackfish ------------------------------ Melichthys niger
Java Gecko (St Helena) ----- Hemidactylus frenatus
Atlantic Odyssey 2014
Wildlife List Part 2– Ascension Island to the Cape Verde Islands
This is the list of wildlife seen during the second part of the 2014 Atlantic Odyssey expedition cruise from Ascension Island, South Atlantic to the Cape Verde Islands, off West Africa, between 23rd& 28thApril 2014. The list covers sightings during the second day at Ascension and the five days at sea en route to the Cape Verde Islands.
Bulwer's Petrel ------------------ Bulweria bulwerii
Trindade Petrel ------- Pterodroma arminjoniana
Cory's Shearwater --------- Calonectris diomedea
White-faced Storm-petrel - Pelagodroma marina
Leach’s Storm-petrel -- Oceanodroma leucorhoa
Madeiran Storm-petrel –----------------- O. castro
Masked Booby ---------------------- Sula dactylatra
Brown Booby ------------------------- S. leucogaster
Red-footed Booby ---------------------------- S. sula
Ascension Frigatebird ------------- Fregata aquila
South Polar Skua ------ Catharacta maccormicki
Long-tailed Skua ------------------- S. longicaudus
Arctic Tern --------------------- Sterna paradisaea
Sooty Tern --------------------------------- S. fuscata
White Tern ------------------------------- Gygis alba
Brown Noddy ----------------------- Anous stolidus
Black Noddy ----------------------------- A. minutus
Marine Mammals
Cuvier’s Beaked Whale ----------------- Ziphius cavirostris
Gervais’ Beaked Whale ----------- Mesoplodon europaeus
Beaked Whale ------------------------------------ unidentified
Short-finned Pilot Whale - Globicephala macrorhynchus
Risso’s Dolphin ----------------------------- Grampus griseus
Gray’s Spinner Dolphin -------- Stenella longirostris
Clymene Dolphin -------------------- Stenella clymene
Common Bottlenose Dolphin -- Tursiops truncatus
Rough-toothed Dolphin ------------Steno bredanensis
Other Wildlife
Portuguese Man-of-war------------ Physalia physalus
Shark species
Green Turtle ----------------------------- Chelonia mydas
Blackfish --------------------------------- Melichthys niger
Flying Fish ----------------------------------- Unidentified
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